Saturday, July 21, 2007

Future Orientated

Okay, we've spent the better part of the last two years honing our mental skills to live in the moment. This week we are giving that up. There's too much about to happen (or not) in the near future. Harry Potter may or may not die and I may or may not get a job in Seattle. Flew back last night from a good interview. Picked up "HP and the Deathly Hallows" today. Can't do much else except hurry up and read the book to NOT think about whether or not I get the job, and can't do much (needed) work for my online course until I know the outcome of both plots- fantasy and "real."

Though I must admit, three years ago it felt like a fantasy to imagine that Ed & I would land faculty jobs IN the Northwest, let alone Seattle.

Here's hoping for a little magic...


  1. I am praying that God will do His will in your life and that you will get the job to move back home. Lucky you lol. I love you let me know how you like the HP book! I have not read one yet lol. Just dont tell the ending.
    Love April

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    well i now know the start of your story, howevever havent started HP yet, got to read the prince one first, but bought deathly hallows on sat for less than $10.00 gotta love the UK's walmart! ASDA!

    love T

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    We are sooo getting ready for you to get back home to the Northwest!! We are lifting up Travel Mercies for your trip(s) home. xoxo We Love You xoxo Mom
